Don’t spend an age hand cutting a roof when Donaldson Direct deliver in 5 working days

When it comes to making decisions about the roof for your project, whether that be an extension, a garage or an entirely new roof, there are two main methods for you to choose from: roof trusses and hand cut roofs. While both methods have their pros and cons, ultimately roof trusses end up as the faster, more affordable and more sustainable choice. After all, why waste time hand cutting a roof when Donaldson Direct delivers in just five working days.

Even before factoring in delivery time, roof trusses are much quicker to install than hand cut roofs. This is because roof trusses are manufactured offsite and then delivered to your location. Since they are made to exact measurements and cut by a pre-programmed saw, they can be installed quickly and easily without fear of inaccuracy, which can save you both time and money. On the other hand, hand cut roofs require much more time and effort to install, since each piece of timber needs to be cut by hand on site.

In addition to being quicker to install, roof trusses are also more budget friendly than hand cut roofs. This is because the manufacturing process for roof trusses is highly efficient, which means that the cost of production is lower. As a result, the overall cost of a roof truss system is much lower than that of a hand cut roof. This means that by ordering roof trusses from Donaldson Direct, you can save money on your building project, without sacrificing quality.

Donaldson Direct provides a simple, reliable service that delivers your roof trusses in just five working days. Unlike a hand cut roof, our trusses save you time, money and hassle.

If you’ve got any further questions about a hand cut roof vs roof trusses please get in touch with our team: or 01707 831031.

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